Keep Calm

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I have been super sick this week which has resulted in some serious bed rest and boredom. While I am more than happy to lay in bed all day, I definitely can't do it for long without some form of entertainment. I read a book or two and watched countless YouTube videos, but I then decided to crack out my "adult" colouring book. I had originally purchased this as a means of conquering some airplane-related anxiety as I thought it would be a good way to distract and calm myself on my impending flight, but I decided to give it a whirl as a boredom curer.

I can see instantly why these have been so popular lately! I was a little skeptical at first as I thought they might be boring, even though I did love colouring as a kid, but I am so pleased to say that they are just as fun now. It's definitely a great way to absorb yourself in something creative that is also incredibly calming. I can imagine this being useful for a multitude of things, ranging all the way from anxiety to plain boredom. This is a great way to wind down before sleeping as well if you're not a reader, as even when I do this in the middle of the day I find myself wanting to take a nap!

There are so many to choose from as well that it's quite overwhelming! There is everything from random patterns to mandalas and even animals. I selected a Paris themed one as it just seemed fitting for me, plus it has a nice mix of miscellaneous patterns inside and actual objects, like the adorable underwear print featured above!

I can see this being my new go-to when I want to wind down or feel calm! Have you tried an adult colouring book? What is you favourite way to relax?
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