Gotta Glow

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The Balm's Mary-Lou Manizer is one of the first products that comes to mind when it comes to highlighting, up there with MAC's 'Soft and Gentle' it has created such an unparalleled reputation for itself that I had the highest possible expectations. After swatching back and forth between 'Soft and Gentle' and Mary-Lou during a leisurely department store browse with my sister last night, my sights were finally set on one of the two products I'd been tossing up between for what feels like months.

This year I had broken into a lot of products that I was very hesitant about before, from bold lips to blusher, one of the biggest things I was "scared" of was shimmer anywhere on my cheeks. After a few blushes that had some lovely, natural glows to them (such as Rimmel's 'Santa Rose') I realised just how stunning shimmer could be when done right. Highlighting became something I loved to do, but I didn't have a product in my collection that I was head over heels for - so I need to amend that, naturally.

Mary-Lou Manizer is such an incredible product, and while I always feel redundant when it comes to writing a review on a cult favourite, I am pleased to announce that it not only lives up to the hype but surpasses it. I expected this to be an intense highlight, and while it does do that, it also does it in the best possible way. There's not "glitter", just sheen and it can be used both intensely and naturally depending on the look you're wanting to achieve.

With the heavier makeup look I was sporting last night I added a little (or a lot) to my cheeks, and I had that Kardashian glow I had only dreamed of before! This morning when I was running out for a quick bite to eat with my boyfriend, I dusted it lightly over the highpoints of my face to lift my tired looking complexion, and it looked just as beautiful. I cannot wait to test this as a shadow, either, as I adore a shimmering champagne tone on the centre of the lids.

I could probably sing praises for this product for another half an hour, but I am sure you all understand how brilliant this is if not from word of mouth but because you have tried it yourself! If you are looking for the perfect highlight and have not found it yet, definitely give this a go - you will not be disappointed!

Have you tried Mary-Lou Manizer? What's your favourite highlighter?
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